Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy,
“the Healing Touch”
For the Correction and Prevention of Many Serious Muscle Conditions
To Clearly Illustrate: You're outside watering your lovely flower garden and as you tug on the garden hose, it becomes kinked or bent. water! So you remove the kink and you're back to watering those flowers again!Tight, adherent muscles can be likened to a garden hose with a kink or bend in it. When a similar disruption in muscle and soft tissue occurs, the normal functions of the blood, nervous and/or lymphatic systems are diminished or blocked, and tissues and organs supplied by these systems are not properly serviced. Many ailments can occur from this happening.
Therese Pfrimmer, a registered massage therapist and physiotherapist from Ontario, Canada not only evolved the method of deep muscle therapy, but was her own first patient. Her discovery of this technique in 1946 led to the reversal of her own paralysis. She then dedicated the next 30 some years of her life to research on muscles, training others in her discovery and aiding in the improvement of a broad spectrum of disabilities and diseases. Because of its positive benefits to all of the body’s soft tissue, it may be described as the most comprehensive form of corrective body work available today. Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy is, indeed, the healing touch.
Look at what Pfrimmer can do!
Improves circulation - which results cause changes on the cellular level to the muscles and/or soft tissue that was affected by the impaired circulation;
Relieves entrapment of nerves;
Aids in removing toxins and congestion that may have accumulated in damaged muscles/soft tissue, thereby reducing edema (swelling), inflammation, and reduces pain;
Softens hard fibrous muscles that restrict joint range of motion and throw off the body’s proper structural alignment;
Aids in stimulating and improving lymphatic system so each individual cell is “cleaned”;
Improves blood supply to individual cells;
Improves lymphatic circulation which restores fluid to dry, fibrous muscles;
Encourages cell repair and eliminates cellular stagnation;
Clears deposits and debris from old bone injuries;Restores damaged ligaments and tendons at bone attachments;
Allows for improved posture and stronger stance;
Relieves neuromuscular conditions;Improves conditions resulting from brain injury;
Improves circulation to the skin, thus moisturizing dry, scaly skin and improving tone;Regular treatment can improve the appearance of cellulite;
Relieves congestion in chest for congestive heart patients;“Drains” sluggish lymph nodes and improves integrity of lymphatic vessel walls;
Improves respiratory system by releasing restrictions in muscles that aid in breathing; removes old congestion in lung/rib area;
Improves tone in muscular walls for peristalsis;
Clears adherent factors between organs;Tones and balances muscles during and after pregnancy;
Are YOU suffering from any of the following?
Pfrimmer has Proven Effective for:
Pfrimmer has Proven Effective for:
Arthritis and Fibromyalgia – moves toxins out of muscles and joints, reducing edema and inflammation and pain.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – moves congestion from the median nerve area of entraptment.Constipation and Digestive Distress – improves tone in limp, flaccid muscles of the colon wall thus improving peristaltic action.
Headaches – releases adherent factors in the neck, improving blood flow to the brain, as well as relieving a major cause of headaches … stress.
Heart Problems – relieves congestion from around the heart; improves muscle tone in walls of blood vessels, as well as muscle pathways leading to heart;Joint and Muscle Pain – releases adherent muscles which relieves pain producing build-up of metabolic substances within the muscles. It improves range of motion and lubrication within joints.
Neck & Back Pain - Releases adherent back and neck muscles, restoring ease of motion and reducing incidence of spasms.Occupational Injuries – Usually resulting from overuse of a muscle in a repetitive movement, causing muscle strain,. dryness and restriction. Restores muscle’s blood and lymphatic flow so it moves freely and without pain.
Paralysis – Opens muscular pathways allowing fresh oxygenated blood to reach muscle cells thereby improving function of nerve in the motor unit.
Sciatic Pain – Releases entrapment of the sciatic nerve, resolving irritation along nerve pathway in the specific areas of entrapment.
Sports Injuries – Releases muscle restrictions helping to balance stress on weight-bearing joints. The cross-fiber method has been acknowledged in sports medicine to be effective in hastening recovery and giving athlete the added edge.
Tendonitis, Bursitis – Reduces inflammation and congestion surrounding bone, cartilage, joint capsule, joint spaces and bursae. It isolates and relieves restrictive muscle which is pulling on the joint and causing pain in the soft tissues;Trauma and car accidents – When injuries do not heal in the normal time frame, there is often an underlying muscle distress, resulting in a cycle of pain. Pfrimmer interrupts the chronic pain cycle with corrective muscle work. Joint limitations resulting from old fractures often can be corrected.
Whiplash – Removes congestion and tension from injured areas, relieving restricted movement and pain.The Amazing Story of Ethel Brown...
After reversing her own paralysis, Therese Pfrimmer asked her doctor if he would find someone who was also paralyzed to see if she could duplicate her results or if it was just a “fluke.” Within a short time, the doctor gave Therese the name of a lady who was dying in a nearby hospital of a rare form of Multiple Sclerosis….
Ethel Brown was given just six weeks to live, according to the nurse when Therese went to visit. She had been seen by many specialists in London, Ontario, Canada, hospital and that was the diagnosis. Therese said she had never experienced anything like what she saw in that hospital bed. Ethel was purple, swollen and bloated and couldn’t move anything but her eyes. There was a terrible stench emitting from her body that caused Therese to gag. Therese knew she had to start right away or she would lose her courage so she asked the nurse for lotions and towels and began working on Ethel. Therese worked for four hours on Ms. Brown that night, stopping four times to go vomit. She said the odor was so bad they later had to burn the sheets, towels and even the curtains in the room. Therese had to destroy her own clothes she was wearing.
Therese went every day for a long time and worked on Ethel. Ethel started to respond to the sessions, getting better and better. In a little more than a year, Ethel was well and back to her own home where she lived, on her own, for more than 30 years.